In the laboratory of “Experimental Biology” researchers did not need to travel to Tashkent or other countries to identify volatile chemical organic compounds in the research objects (food, plant products, soil and other products, imported products). Laboratory “Experimental Biology” is working on gas chromatography with mass detector Chromatek-Crystal 9000NP, Chromatek-Crystal 9000 detector MCD, Chromatek-Crystal 9000 detector PID, Chromatek-Crystal 9000 detector PID and EZD (Russia). Online and offline seminars-trainings with the participation of foreign experts on high-level work with this equipment were held, and cooperation was established. Today, in the laboratory, it is possible to determine the chemical and organic compounds, including pesticides, herbicides, along with the complete elemental composition of the products in terms of quality and quantity.
In addition to conducting research in the laboratory, services can be provided to determine the elemental composition and organic matter content of products (toxins, vitamins, physiologically active compounds, as well as pesticides, herbicides).