The laboratory conducts research on the system of interrelation between plants and soil. For this purpose, research is carried out on the issues of selection and maintenance technologies of the plant in accordance with the composition of the soil.
In the first place, the composition of the soil is analyzed from the chemical, biochemical and biological point of view. Agrochemical studies are carried out to change the composition of the soil. The soil is evaluated according to its composition. On the basis of the available information about the soil, specialists are involved in the research carried out in the appropriate way: in accordance with the conditions, the soil is enriched with the appropriate macro – and microelements, or macro – and microelements balance is formed, technologies for maintaining or reducing soil moisture are developed. The salt content of saline soils is balanced, restored or systematic research is carried out to prevent salinity. Prepared soil is provided for the selection of varieties of plants or agricultural plants.
Each soil is selected plants that suit the conditions. Care technologies are developed for selected plants. For selected soil conditions, the norms of fertilization and irrigation are developed. The composition of the soil is analyzed according to the reported proposal, application or state of development of plants. On the basis of the finished flesh (diagnosis), suggestions and recommendations are made to prevent changes in the soil.
On the basis of chemical, biochemical and physiologic analysis of plant tissues, the condition of soils is assessed or the time and duration of fertilization with macro – and micoelements are developed, which are given to the soil.
For each plant, a diagnostic map of the composition and condition of the soil is developed, which is presented to the producers. On the basis of this diagnostic map, the plant selection, recommendation, care, yield indicators are divided into relevant data. On the basis of chemical and biochemical analysis of plant tissues, opportunities arise to create quality products.
Innovative technologies are created in the laboratory on the basis of conducting fundamental, applied research. The created innovative technologies will be introduced into the production system through the relevant implementation Department (otdel vnedreniya).
Appropriately organized technical conditions for soil and plant analysis:
1) research rooms equipped with equipment based on relevant technical requirements

2) analysis of the chemical composition of the soil.

3) to analyze the elemental relationship between soil and plant.

Using laboratory equipment and soil composition of TEF CUVETA with the support of GIZ under the EU Fund for Sustainable Development Project in Uzbekistan a rapid method of analysis was introduced in the Laboratory of Experimental Biology which is based on the results of research carried out within the framework of the AIF project. This method determines the qualitative and quantitative indices of more than 20 macro- and micro-elements contained in the sample. Targeted management of plant growth and development based on quantitative and qualitative indicators of macro- and micro-elements are recommended. Based on the results of the analysis, the SMART Fertilizer Management program provides guaranteed recommendations for the “gradual irrigation and fertilization and protection system”, taking into account the biological characteristics of each plant species and variety, and external factors. Proposed recommendations will be developed taking into account the dependence of plant germination tissue, genetic links between soil elements.