In the laboratory of “Experimental Biology” at Gulistan State University, together with a UK partner, developed a “intelligent fertilization” program based on numerical analysis of the soil composition and the equivalent ratio of soil elements and the biological properties of plants. In this innovative technology, the composition of the soil is thoroughly analyzed element by element and balanced with complex elements of the right amount and composition, taking into account the amount and equivalent ratio of elements. Depending on the biological characteristics of plants planted in balanced soil, appropriate nutritional content, norms, feeding periods are suggested. The composition of the irrigated water, the quality of mineral and organic fertilizers, the quantitative composition of the elements are also taken into account when recommending the rate and timing of feeding.
Analysis of state-of-the-art, high-precision equipment and devices is carried out in this innovative technology. Analysis and suggestions are fast, accurate and guaranteed.

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- Kushiev Kh., Rakhmonov I., Kenjaev A., Ismoilova K. Monitoring and assessment of Glycyrrhiza glabra (Licorice) in Syrdarya region of Uzbekistan using satellite time series and ground truth data // International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 2020. -Vol.29. -№ 8. -Рp.3698-3709
- Kushiev Kh.H., Ismoilova K.M., Rakhmonov I., Hojiboboeva S.Kh. Thе Rеstоrаtiоn Аbаndоnеd Irrigаtеd Lаnd bу Fаrmеr-drivеn: Соntinuing Studу frоm thе Hungrу Stерреs оf Сеntrаl Аsiа // International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 2020. -Vol.29. -№8. -Рp.3219-3237.