CLUSTER APPROACH IN DEVELOPING INTEGRATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION AND PRODUCTION: organizing “Educational-scientific complex” in the integrated system of Production and Gulistan State University”

The main purpose of the project is the integration of cluster-based integration into higher education, science and industry – the establishment of an innovative educational-scientific complex system and its creation.


A model of integration of education and science will be developed based on the harmonization of the scientific laboratory with the teaching laboratories of the departments of the Natural Sciences Faculty of the Gulistan State University.

On the base on of Gulistan State University, the strongest symbiotic communication between educational, scientific and practical activities will be established in cooperation with productions in Syrdarya regional innovation development center.

Theoretical knowledge and fundamental research (university), practical studies and innovative developments (innovative development and scientific-practical center), productions (technopark and production) will be organized innovation center of scientific-educational and production.

“Bek cluster” LTD
The agency on intellectual property of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra
University of Shinhan (Korea)
Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry
Uzbekistan State World Languages University
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan Institute of Botany
Agrobiokimyo MChJ
Hayot technology MChJ

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